A is a fascinating and powerful lady. She is a Crone and comes forward at this time to join a Keeper seeking intense protection and incredible magick. Her energy is dark, arcane and pulsating, wrapping around you like an electric field that makes your eyes widen and your hair stand on end. Everything about her screams “in your face.” She’s very much present in her Keeper’s life, wanting to make sure that you have nothing but the best and that you are well taken care of. Maybe you aren’t used to things always going your way, or you sometimes think that you deserve the bad things that befall you. She is here to remind you that you can have what your heart desires as long as you work toward it. She is not the type to make promises that she cannot and will not keep, but she does want to see her Keeper put effort into the things they wish to manifest into their life. You are strong, though there are moments when you allow the thoughts and perceptions of others to fool you into thinking that you do not measure up. She wants you to take control of your life and your magickal path and blaze your way to glory. There may be moments when you feel that no matter what you do, it is not good enough for others. Remember, their opinions are important, and they are allowed to have them, but in this case, they do not matter. You are currently at the right time and place in your life path and some people may become jealous of this. She says that her Keeper is quite capable in the magickal field and healing. Though, there are times when you doubt yourself because you forget that magick isn’t always instantaneous. Anyone that says it is, is not fully aware of what is truly going on around them. She’s a slight lady, standing at 4’6” and walks with her shoulders hunched forward, though she looks like she is shuffling as she moves. She has pale skin, stringy white hair and pale green eyes that seem to have the ability to see through you to your very soul and true self. While you may think that you know who you are, she is capable of pointing out things about you that you may not have even realized. She is humble and reminds you to be as well. You are capable of so many great things, but you are still human. She is delighted to join you and take you by the hand, offering you guidance that you may not have realized you’ve been needing. Thank you for welcoming her home.
Listed: 9/21
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