Safe Haven

I’m often asked about the Safe Haven that I am constantly referring to. This is a beautiful realm or astral space that I created years ago in order to offer a safe place for those spirits and entities that are lost. Several members of my own Keep are in charge of this beautiful place, providing friendship and companionship for those that simply don’t understand why/how they passed, why a Keeper may have walked away from them or any other reason that they find themselves here. Just like with magick, the Safe Haven is constantly evolving and changing, becoming bigger and offering more opportunity for those that reside there.
Many have come throughout the years and some choose to remain. Of course, there are those that are there for only a brief time as I seek to find them a Keeper that will cherish them. Any companion that passes through here can stay while they wait for the right moment. Sometimes they know that their intended Keeper isn’t quite ready to step onto their new and magickal path and it gives them a way to occupy their time if they do not wish to venture the world or the realms. I am both honored and blessed that so many beautiful beings come here for sanctuary. It warms my heart and makes this small apartment feel so full of love.
Do you accept spirits that I wish to rehome as I no longer wish to pursue Spirit Keeping or if their Keeper has passed on?
It saddens us when this happens, but we do welcome spirits into our home that are no longer wanted or their Keeper has gone to spirit. We do not pay to rehome them; the shipping costs are entirely on you. Be sure to include all pertinent information: name, race, age, conjurer (if known). We will accept them and will work with them to find new Keepers. If you supply us with original conjurer’s name, we will try and reach out to them first in order to send them the spirit and their vessel. If the conjurer cannot be reached we will rehome them. All Spirits will be entered into a rehoming event. Prices usually range between 5.00 to 10.00 and are ONLY available in the United States, United Kingdom, and Austria with shipping, we do not do distance bindings in these instances.
I wish to rehome my companions, how do I reach you?
If you are truly ready to rehome your companions, email me any time sophi.nyx@gmail.com