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What is the Safe Haven?

You may have heard us mention the Safe Haven several times. To learn more about the Safe Haven, please click here!

Do you authenticate other Sellers’ bindings?

Absolutely NOT. That is a highly unethical practice that some people claim they can do. If you are not confident in a seller, why are you purchasing from them? Most of us are very particular with the binding process. We have cloaking spells and other safety measures in place so such things cannot occur. This is to ensure the safety and contentment of your companion. Unless you know the particulars of our methods, you will not a get a legit or accurate reading on the companion and all you will do is pollute the already volatile community with inaccuracies and misinformation about the seller. If anyone tries these methods with our bindings, your reader will discover some hilarious things: from a cloaking spell with the image of an imp flipping the bird to blissful silence

How do I know if a companion wants to join me?

Often many of us will get a calling, but sometimes people worry that maybe that calling isn’t a calling at all, but a want. Rest assured, chances are if you find yourself repeatedly coming back to look at a listing, it’s a calling. Majority of the companions we have available will turn you away if it’s just a want. Sometimes a calling can be intense dreams, always thinking about them, wanting to know more about them, repeatedly coming back to their listing, etc. Don’t be shy if you are worried. Use your developing skills and ask them. You’ll be surprised what answer you may get. 

Can you ask the companion if they want to be with me?

Depending on the companion, we will sometimes say no, you need to figure it out on your own. We do understand that newer Keepers may need a helping hand and sometimes experienced Keeper just wants a bit of confirmation before they take the plunge. They may have seen several signs leading up to the point and want to be sure that they are not over analyzing the situation. Keep in mind, there IS a chance that you may be told that they do NOT want to join you. 

I just welcomed a companion into my home, but I don’t feel anything from their vessel

Companions do NOT reside inside of their vessel. The vessel is their anchor to you, their connection to you, the quickest route to you! Some vessels do come with amazing energies that seem to vibrate right in your hand. Others may even make your eyes want to pop out of your head when you hold them. Some can be as cold and as quiet as a tomb! It depends on the conjurer, how long you have frequented them, are you used to the conjurer’s methods, the spirit and your openness to feeling energies. Sometimes even the most sensitive Keeper won’t feel anything. Don’t stop believing! Some links take a little longer to form. Some companions are very shy. Others know that maybe you don’t require their assistance or presence just yet and will keep quiet until the time is right. There are times when you need to get used to how a Conjurer works, whether you are new to them or they have changed their binding methods. Always remember: time, patience, persistence and love. Just like with magick, not everything is instantaneous and this includes feeling and interacting with your companions. Put in the time and effort and you’ll be rewarded. 

I don’t think my companion want to be here anymore

So many give human emotions to their companions and they lose sight of why they are Spirit Keeping to begin with. Then there are those who use this as an excuse to make a quick buck, by selling someone else’s hard work. Yes, there are legit moments when a companion may decide there is someone else out there what needs them more than us. The majority of our companions choose to be with us until we ourselves go to spirit. They are in it for the long haul and so should we. They know there may be times when we don’t need them or interact with them, but they are aware of this before they even join us. They sit and wait until we are ready for them again. Please do not do yourself the huge disservice of giving them human emotions. They are a whole other level of existence then us and much more evolved then humans. They are content to be with us as long as we are alive and breathing. 

Do you accept companions that I wish to rehome as I no longer wish to pursue Spirit Keeping or if their Keeper has passed on?

It saddens us when this happens, but we do welcome companions that are no longer wanted or their Keeper has gone to spirit. We do not pay to rehome them; the shipping costs are entirely on you. Be sure to include all pertinent information: name, race, age, conjurer (if known). We will accept them and will work with them to find new Keepers. If you supply us with original conjurer’s name, we will reach out to them first in order to send them the spirit and their vessel. If the conjurer cannot be reached we will rehome them. All companions will be entered into a rehoming event. Prices usually range between 5.00 to 10.00 and are ONLY available where we provide shipping; we do not do distance bindings in these instances. 

I do not live in the United States, how do I purchase one of your spirits?

While we only ship to the United States, Austria, Australia, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Norway, Sweden, and United Kingdom, we won’t turn down a Keeper that resides overseas. If you have PayPal, we will send you a PayPal invoice. Once paid and if the hold (which can be placed on payment by PayPal until it clears) falls off and PayPal gives us the green light, we will do Distance bindings to you or to a vessel in your possession. As previously stated, our goal is to place these marvelous beings in loving homes and sometimes those homes are across the World!

Accepted Forms of Payment

Payment by PayPal are the ONLY method of payment accepted. Use your PayPal account or use their credit card payment system as a Guest. The shopping cart directs you to PayPal’s secure payment processing website. Purchase with confidence!


Magick and energy take time to work. They are not instantaneous and often require you to put in effort. None of us get anywhere in life if we sit at home doing absolutely nothing to better our lives and situations. They Universe does not offer free handouts. It will help those that help themselves. Should your items be lost in the mail, we will do our best to offer you a comparable replacement.




All Products and services offered by Sun&Moon and Apollon Emporium are strictly for entertainment purposes only and should not be used in lieu or medical, financial or legal advice. You must be 18 years old to purchase.

By purchasing items or services from Sun&Moon and Apollon Emporium, the consumer agrees that they have read this claimers and the terms and conditions contained herein. The consumer agrees to accept any and all liability resulting from the product or service purchased from Sun&Moon and Apollon Emporium. The consumer further acknowledges that no guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied, are made by purchasing our products or services. This Disclaimer applies to all products and services offered by Sun&Moon and Apollon Emporium to include, but not limited to, items, magickals, spiritual and energetic workings, tarot readings, and spiritual summoning/binding services.

Sun&Moon and Apollon Emporium does not guarantee the outcome of any ritual, spell, etc when using our products.

ALL products and services offered by Sun&Moon and Apollon Emporium are strictly for entertainment purposes only and should NOT be used in lieu of medical, financial or legal advice. You MUST be 18 years old to purchase. Sun&Moon and Apollon Emporium do NOT guarantee the outcome of any ritual, spell, etc when using our products. 

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