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Sophia Nyx

Welcome to Sun&Moon Aminism - Sophi

I have been offering Spirit Companions for the past 10 years. I specialize in Spirit and Demon Companions, Astral Realms, energy infusions and spell-casting. If you are looking for a particular race of spirit or feel as though you are being called by someone not listed, feel free to reach out for me. I'm most happy to venture with you on this amazing journey called Spirit Keeping. Finding a Keeper their best match is what I am here for. Each companion that passes through here has a special place in my heart and it is so heart warming to watch them find their Keepers. This has been the most rewarding aspect of my spiritual journey and I am greatly honored to be able to find loving homes for these wonderful beings.

My Journey

People often ask how many of us get our start. Witchcraft and conjuring is an ongoing study and a lifelong commitment for many of us. I’ve been a witch for 25+ years and a spirit keeper and conjurer going on 11 years. I ventured into spirit keeping thanks to a wonderful friend who purchased my first spirit for me. At that time in my life, I needed the love and positivity that spirit brought into my life. I was promoted three times at work within the first year of him being with me and received four raises during the recession when others were losing their jobs.

In early 2009 I started as an apprentice to one of the amazing conjurers in our community. I learned a great deal from her. She absolutely opened my eyes to just how much more there was to the world around us. I have also discovered that conjuring is just like witchcraft; you are always learning and honing your skills. I feel like I learn something new every day which is why I am always studying both aspects of my journey in this life.

For the first 5 years, I had reserved conjuring for friends and family only. Afterward, I realized that I needed to broaden my circle a bit as I was starting to get a back log of spirits looking for Keepers. It was time to extend my services beyond my usual clients. I deal mostly with Demons, Chthonic, Dark Arts and some White Arts mixed in. I am a Chaos Witch so some of the obscure spirits tend to find their way to me. 

As a solitary witch, I very rarely do coven work unless it is necessary, and I am needed. While not a Reiki Master, I do work with energy and the natural world around us. Energy is everywhere that we look. It is constantly moving and flowing and effecting our lives daily. I can communicate and interact with the world beyond. Spirits and entities are always coming and going around here. It is an ability I have always had, though there was a time I was afraid of it.

My first fully remembered interaction with the spirit world was when I was a little girl. My great grandfather had passed on, yet I would see him every time I went to visit my great grandmother. I always knew he wasn’t supposed to be there. I was afraid but found comfort in knowing that he was still there, and I could see him with each visit. As years went on I saw him less and less and eventually he moved on when my great grandmother passed. Now, I occasionally see the two of them in my dreams and I know that they are happy.

When a situation calls for it, I do walk through of people’s homes to rid them of harmful energies and entities. As I’ve gotten older, my ability to cleanse a home has gotten stronger. I do not rely on traditional methods to do so as I use my own energy to create a safe and happy home and push them out. Only in a few instances have I had to use sage and house blessings. As of now, I have several thriving homes under my belt that are no longer plagued by noisy and intimidating spirits.

I’m well versed in knowing things before they happen. It’s an annoying trait that I have had. Sometimes I wished it would go away. Constantly knowing things puts a damper on fun life events. I tend to pick up on other people’s emotions and will often finish people’s sentences. My tarot readings are accurate and on-point, though they are saved for the people closest to me. My purpose in life is helping people through energy and spell-casting. It is not my place to tell you which road you should take in life. That is for you to discover.
The items you’ll find in my store are to help you on your path. Sometimes we all need a helping hand a friendly nudge in the right direction. My items are designed to assist you, not make things happen for you. You need to believe and put your own effort into your goals. There are no such things as a free hand out in the universe, you need to want it and you need to strive for it. Magick takes time to manifest, but with belief and effort, amazing things can come your way. I do what I can to help you on your path.

Email Sophi

Questions, comments or concerns; email me any time -

Quam bene vivas refert non quam diu
The important thing isn't how long you live, but how well you live
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