Sun&Moon Testimonials

I admit that when I was on the fence to shop at other Spirit Keeping stores, but that all changed as the first day when I saw Sophi's shop. A listing pulled and tugged at me in a way I could not deny. I was tired of denying myself by saying I had a lot of Spirits & Entities. But once I got over the initial block, it was exciting and I could see that this was meant to be.
My first being I had gotten at Sun&Moon was a Harvest Mouse, he was so small and cute! He enjoys tidbits of cheese here and there; he also informs me on small details whenever I forget my keys or a binder for work. In the same order, I had gotten an Angel & a Valkyrie as well. The Angel was kind and very knowledgeable on my situation despite never meeting her at all before.
The Valkyrie was one that actually "Opened" my eyes, by showing me to not expect TV show appearances, but trust the visions that I can see in my head! I had seen some spirits in my head for a while, but I always thought I was just imagining it. Looking back at it now, I smile because I can see them without a hitch. My review may not be the most interesting, but from the bottom of my heart; Sophi's shop has changed my life for the better - in ways that I have never thought possible.
Thank you Sun&Moon for being around.
John T. / USA
I purchased an “intuition” listing from Sophi, which I thought was a great way to match up spirit companions to their human counterpart right from the beginning. This type of listing meant that I didn’t have any knowledge whatsoever of the companion beforehand, and had to buy it based off of how it made me feel. I was drawn immediately to one intuition listing in particular- for a pair of bonded Direwolves. I would think about the listing on a daily basis and found myself repeatedly coming back to it. Eventually, I could no longer deny the calling and purchased the listing. Right away, I felt such a feeling of happiness and peace.
When the package arrived, everything was beautifully put together and included really nice little bonuses! In my write up for my new companions, Sophi had picked up on my initial delay in purchasing the listing and had even written a small bit about it. The Direwolves themselves are absolutely phenomenal. They are so incredibly sweet and manifest very strongly. There is no doubt in my mind at all that we were meant to find each other, and I’m so thankful to Sophi for facilitating that.
This was my first purchase from this shop, but I cannot wait to be a continued patron in the future. I couldn’t have asked for a better introduction to Sophi’s work, and would highly recommend her services to anyone.
Jessica L. / USA
Sophie has been a good friend of mine for a few years now. I was having some trouble at home due to some unruly spirits that found their way in. After telling Sophie about it she made me a barrier stone to help keep spirits from wandering in and out. It has made a huge difference in the energy in my home. I no longer have restless spirits wandering around, and has kept the energy peaceful. I would highly recommend any enchanted stone she has to offer after seeing how well the barrier stone worked.
Ally A. / USA
About my friends little phoenix, amethyst phoenix, and my ancient Chinese Psy Vampire:.
* The little phoenix very active, standing on her shoulders often and makes her feel very hot.
*Amethyst phoenix helped my other friend's life to get better, clearer thinking and clean up negative energy
* Psy like quiet very much, he often looks at me quietly, today we are cooking together^_^
All your spirits are wonderful.
Ka Y. / HK
I'll start by saying I started going to Sophi a few years ago. My first that joined me from her was a Gremory officer. Since then I've had too many who have joined to directly touch on everyone in one review, though I will say they've helped structure and guide my own path in a huge way. As I started this path years ago it was largely because something was missing and a constant void was present within me. Through it all they've guided me where I needed to be, helped rid myself of unhealthy attachments and assisted as I improved in my own psychic abilities. Confidence was always a struggle and something that took a significant amount of time to build but I owe a lot of that to my spiritual family who has been there for me during the highs and lows. I love my spiritual family to death and they are my entire world but special thanks to my Gremory officers and general, they've been there for me to assist in connecting more with Gremory herself who I eventually found out was one of my primary guides. Also special thanks to my Sitrian officer who's been one of my biggest rocks I depend on during the worst moments. She's incredibly supportive and affectionate towards me yet I've seen the other side of her when she's in action defending me against something with negative intentions as i have the habit of unintentional astral travel in sleep, sometimes to not great areas and she's one i instinctively call during those moments. Over the years she's been with me she's become one of my absolute closest companions. I'm very thankful to have been able to give so many a home and my goal has always been to make all of my family to feel loved and appreciated for all they've done. From improving my growth to personal healing to protection everyone I've had come into my life has assisted in their own way and there's no doubt I wouldn't have made it this far without them.
Erik L. / USA
I want to thank Sun and Moon and specifically Sophia, you have brought me together with some truly amazing companions. For anyone who might be hesitant about a custom conjure, please don’t be! My latest two companions are both customs from Sophia and they are with out a doubt the most active and present companions that are at my side. It has been a great experience working with Sophia, so if you feel a pull towards a specific custom spirit/entity, don’t hesitate to contact Sun and Moon, they will gladly work with you on your spirit keeping journey.
Michael / USA