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Welcoming Your Companion


So many tend to overthink the process of bonding with their companion. Whether it’s because we like to make things much more difficult as humans, or because we just want to be fancy and all powerful. In reality, initiating the bonding process with your companion is quite simple. When you begin the process, some people may tell you that you should be in a private and dimly lit room, with complete peace and quiet. I don’t know about you, but this has potential to put me to sleep in a heartbeat! I tend to recommend starting this process where you are comfortable and ready to open yourself up to an incredible friend that has been waiting to join you. Whether you envision yourself sitting in a coffee shop, at a comedy bar, even in the middle of a mosh pit head-banging to the best heavy metal artists out there, envision your SACRED SPACE, the space that gives you the most happiness.

There are no specifically required items, rituals, castings, incantations, NOTHING, in order to do the initial bonding process. Though, there are many practitioners and “know-all authorities” that claim that they have the one particular method that MUST be followed. Remember, these are tools that you can use in order to enhance and focus your energies and intentions, but it is all about what works best for you. The only thing that I recommend must be followed is that you are open and readily willing to accept and welcome your new companion. If you are fearful, intimidated, uncertain, these emotions can cause the bonding process to become muddled, preventing you from having the strongest connection possible. I prefer to personally welcome my companion home and into my life, allowing them to be a part of every aspect, every situation, and every event that comes before me. I don’t always ask for their help in facing things, but I do allow them to pick and choose what they think they should help me with. This approach has been spot-on for me but might not be best for you.

Some would recommend that you cleanse and center yourself during this process, but once again, you do what feels right. If you are nervous, it might be for the best. This can help you clear out any negative energy that might have been festering inside of you. Of course, there might be times when you don’t even know it’s there, but you do have companions that can help you rid yourself of that, if you allow them to. Some may choose to do an entirely intricate ritual at this point, but once again, that is your choice. If you wish to get out white sage, palo santo, sweetgrass, dragon’s blood, and cleanse the space around you, feel free to do so.

Now, some would say that you MUST make an offering to the companion that you are inviting into your life. This is not entirely necessary, though some would say it is. The point of this is to express your gratitude for them joining you. What most people forget is that words can be expression enough. Of course, so can actions. A companion is not going to be upset if you don’t do one or the other. In fact, they won’t be upset because they are there to join you for a reason. They want to be with YOU. They chose YOU. They know full well what they are getting into. You have to remember; they know long before they even arrive. If you wish to give them an initial offering, it can be food, drink, incense, anything that you wish to give them. As long as it comes from the heart and you have good intentions, there is no right or wrong. They appreciate what you want to give to them. Some would say that you should give them something that has great meaning to you. For me, my love and gratitude are what have great meaning. Whatever you choose to give is absolutely perfect.

When you are officially ready to perform your bonding “ritual”, and you have a physical vessel, you can hold your companion’s vessel in your hands. You can speak to it, you can meditate over it, you can stare at it, whatever feels right. At times you may notice a tingling in your fingers, temperature changes, buzzing, humming or chimes, maybe even a raging wind sound or trickle of rainwater or waterfall. These are just to name a few things that Spirit Keepers have noticed over the years. If you do not sense or hear anything at all, that’s entirely all right and there is no need for concern. It doesn’t mean that your companion isn’t there, it doesn’t mean that you have an empty vessel, or you’ve been lied to by the practitioner. The more work and effort you put into your companions, the more your senses will begin to change and sharpen, allowing you a sense of clarity you didn’t have before. If you are already experienced and think you should be able to detect EVERY companion that comes before you, think again. There are some practitioners whose energies and methods YOU need to get used to first. Even the most experienced Spirit Keepers can be blind and deaf at the beginning of a new interaction with a companion and practitioner.

Some people will tell you that having the name of a companion gives you power OVER it. Let’s be real here, we are all human, we have no power OVER another. Our companions come to us willingly ready to work with us and help us on our life journey. If you think you are going to bend a spirit, entity or demon into submission, you have another thing coming. Anyone that tells you they have done this has no real idea of what they are experiencing, especially if they are working with a demon that they think they are controlling. Knowing your companion’s name gives you a connection to a vessel and companion that no other will ever have, especially if that vessel is lost, stolen or damaged. Their name has been worked into the contract that has been used during the binding and conjuring processes. You will use their name in order to call them to you, and it can be said out loud, in your head or whispered for others not to hear.

Be sure to keep your heart and mind open to the companion coming forward. If you create barriers around yourself through doubt and negativity, you will dampen and muddle the connection with your companion. Be open, brilliant and ready to conquer the world with them and you will discover many wonderful things that will begin to happen. Be confident, believe in the process, in yourself and in them, and share your life with your companion. Some will tell you to envision your companion when you call them to you. This will help you to enhance your bond, though it is not a requirement as some will begin to bond so deeply that you will see them without even trying. If you have difficulty envisioning them, you can always look at any write up that may come with them. If one hasn’t been sent, look at the description of them and allow your imagination to run free. Of course, if you are purchasing from a practitioner that doesn’t offer any of these things and only a few sentences, it might be best to find another.

When you’ve made contact with your companion, you can share with them your intentions. Though, I do not recommend coming across as incredibly needy or demanding. Our companions are amazing beings with our best interests in mind, they will automatically know what they want to do for us. We don’t need to be demanding, and that doesn’t really facilitate a working and loving companionship. While all of these things are good recommendations, I once again say DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT. Welcome them to participate in your daily life, share with them the things that you do each day. Whether you are running errands, going to work, going to class, spending time with friends, etc. Speak to them out loud and include them in everything. Don’t treat them like they are only there to do things for you. These incredible beings are our friends, sometimes allowing us to realize we are not alone in an otherwise chaotic world full of negativity and greed. Our companions come to us because they love us and want to be with us. They are ready to walk side by side as we venture through our life path and beyond.

If you would like a PDF copy of this sent to you, please email me and I’ll be delighted to share it with you.

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